According to him, a lot of people who have recovered from the COVID-19 infection are developing other health abnormalities while others have no other complications.

“The aftereffect of COVID-19 is becoming serious, people are suffering here and there, even some studies which suggest some men who have fully recovered from the virus infection are not experiencing penis erection for sexual pleasure,’’ he disclosed.

“These are things we have to let the general public know and understand the need to adhere to all the COVID-19 safety protocols including hand washing, wearing of face masks, and strict adherence to physical social distancing,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, five additional deaths have taken Ghana’s total COVID-19 fatalities to 372 latest figures from the Ghana Health Service have confirmed.

The active cases have also jumped to 3, 613. Some 646 new cases have been recorded.

The total number of confirmed cases recorded in the country so far is 62, 135 with a total of 58, 150 recoveries and discharges.

There is an incessant call on Ghanaians to obey the protocols to avoid a lockdown when necessary.

The Greater Accra Region still has the highest number of cases.